What is Knowledge?

Knowledge is a powerful way to teach your agents what they need to know to get their work done. You can upload a variety of data sources, including CSV, PDF, Audio, Websites, as well as a huge range of integrations such as Figma, Zendesk and YouTube etc.

You can add knowledge to Relevance manually, or dynamically, from a wide range of sources. You can add knowledge via the Knowledge page, to the tools that you are building, and to agents directly.

Create a blank table and manually add data to it.

You can create knowledge tables in many different ways, using many different formats. We’ll start with the simplest, a blank table that you manually create columns and rows for:

You can delete data manually by following this process:

Create a table by uploading different data formats

In this demo, we show you how to create a table by uploading an Excel spreadsheet (insead of manually creating a blank table from scratch). You can follow the same process for creating knowledge from websites, videos and other formats by choosing one of the other options shown here.

Create a knowledge table from JSON

Here is a video showing you how to create a knowledge table from a JSON file:

Create or update knowledge dynamically with tools and agents

In this power user demo, we show you how to build a custom tool that will automatically create or update knowledge for you based on uploading a spreadsheet. You can change the steps to create knowledge from other formats if you prefer.

Delete knowledge

To delete a knowledge table, you need to use an api tool step to make a call to our DeleteKnowledge endpoint. We don’t have another way to delete them at the moment. Below is a screenshot of what this looks like:

delete knowledge from table

  1. Generate your Relevance API key via the integrations page.
  2. Replace the 6 digit number in the endpoint url after https//api-LNLLNL with your region code. You’ll see this in a pop-up after generating your API key.
  3. Replace [AUTH-TOKEN] with your authorization token, which is formatted with this: project:api_key.
  4. Replace [YOUR-KNOWLEDGE-TABLE-NAME] with the name of the knowledge table you want to delete.
  5. Run the step.

You can use this in combination with the create or update knowledge table step above when you want to replace an existing knowledge set with another one that has the same name.